English Faith Formation class is Tuesday, March 3, 2020 from 6:30-7:30 PM. at St. John Vianney Catholic School. Parents/guardians need to sign their child/children in and out of class each week.
Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020 marks the beginning of Lent. Ashes are used as a sign of our sorrow for having turned away from God; they are placed on our forehead in the sign of the cross and we keep them until they wear off. The ashes are often produced by burning palms from the previous year’s Passion (Palm) Sunday celebration.
Lent is our time of preparation. A 40-day journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Lent is a journey that spans Ash Wednesday through Holy Week, culminating in the great celebration of Easter. As Catholics, the spiritual pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving guide us in daily reflection on our own lives as we strive to deepen our relationship with God and neighbor—no matter where in the world that neighbor may live.
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: During Lent our St. John Vianney Community will participate in CRS Rice Bowl, a faith-in-action program that invites us to reflect on the challenges of global hunger and our responsibility to respond to the needs of our global human family. The children received their Rice Bowl boxes on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. The children will bring their weekly box back each Tuesday to their catechist. The catechists will return the Lenten box back to the children each week during the Lenten season. All boxes must be turned in to their catechists by Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
English speaking Faith Formation Registration 2019-2020 is open to All students in grades Pre-K to High School. Classes are on TUESDAY from 6:30-7:30 PM at St. John Vianney School.
Upon Baptism registration a birth certificate is required.
Upon Holy Communion or Confirmation registration, a Baptismal Certificate is required. First Communion and Confirmation is a two-year commitment. For those interested in First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation, St. John Vianney asked that your child be at least in second grade and experience two years of religious education, no earlier than 1st grade, either through Catholic School education or the parish Faith Formation classes prior to celebrating their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kathleen Cook, Director of Religious Education at [email protected] or 408-806-0849.
St. John Vianney Altar Serving Training
All are welcome and encouraged to serve the community!
th grade-High School-Adults
If you are interested in training or a refresher course, please contact Ms. Kathleen Cook.
Adults at the Center! Pass on the Good News! Needed: Catechists. Gift: Sharing your faith and the Good News to our children
You can help our children in English Faith Formation by sharing your faith, experiences and Good News as a catechist or aide. As you nurture their faith, you will learn and grow as well.
Beginning in September 2020-2021 Classes are on Sundays from 10:15-11:15 A.M at SJV School.
Not sure what being a catechist is all about? Want to help but don't want to teach? There are other roles to fill on the team as well! All are welcome to share their gifts and talents.
If you are interested in sharing your faith and talents with the children in the English Faith Formation program, please contact Ms. Kathleen Cook, Director of Religious Education at [email protected].