Summary: Here we encounter the despondent moods of two disciples who are traveling to Emmaus. It is only in their
listening to Jesus, disguised as a stranger, who they meet along the way that they begin to have their spirits lifted. They share their dashed hopes and then Jesus, beginning with Moses, shares with them all that has to do with the Messiah. It is only when they sit to eat and see Jesus in the breaking of the bread that they come to the realization that their hopes have been fulfilled. It was because of their attentive
listening that they truly heard and realized that their
hearts were on fire as he talked with them along the way. We are also called to a deep
listening that moves from merely hearing with our ears to listening with our entire being.
Scripture As they sat down to eat, he took the bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to them. Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And at that moment he disappeared! Luke 24:30-31
After Jesus was crucified and had risen from the dead, his followers were very sad and confused. They didn't know what was going to happen next. One day two of Jesus' followers were walking to the village of Emmaus. As they walked along, Jesus came and began walking with them, but God kept them from recognizing him.
As they walked, they discussed all of the things that had happened. As they came near to Emmaus, it was late in the day so they asked the stranger who had been walking with them to stay the night with them. So Jesus went to their home. As they sat down to eat, Jesus took the bread and blessed it and gave it to them to eat. Suddenly, their eyes were opened and they recognized him. At that very moment, he disappeared!
The two followers went back to Jerusalem and found the eleven disciples and others who had gathered with them. They told them the story about how Jesus had appeared to them as they traveled to Emmaus and how they had recognized him as he was breaking bread. Just as they were telling them about it, Jesus himself appeared and stood among them. The whole group was frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost!
"Why are you frightened?" Jesus asked. "Look at my hands and feet. You can see that it is really me. Touch me and be assured that I am not a ghost."
Jesus still reveals himself to his followers today, but he does it through his Word and the Holy Spirit. He may not appear to you in the same way he did to the disciples in our Scripture today, but if you study God's Word and seek him with all your heart, Jesus will reveal himself to you.
Our Father, help us to study your Word and to apply it in our daily life. Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Key Words in Today’s Readings:
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22-33
David was the second king of Israel. He lived about 1,000 years before Christ. David is considered to be the author of the 150 psalms. In this passage from the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Peter is quoting from Psalm 16.
Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:17-21
If we have
reverence for someone, we are filled with awe because of their greatness and we try to honor them with our lives.
Jewish people made sacrifices of animals to God. Because Jesus’ sacrifice brought us back to God, the Bible compares Jesus to a
lamb, one without any stain.
Gospel: Luke 24:13-35
Gospel of Luke is one of the four gospels in the New Testament or Christian Scriptures. It was written for people who, like Saint Luke, weren’t Jewish before becoming Christian.
Scriptures are the written word of God. We read them in the Bible, both the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New Testament).
Jesus’ disciples recognized him in the
breaking of the bread, because Jesus had done the same thing at many meals, especially the Last Supper. Jesus said to do this in his memory, and we remember Jesus as our living bread when we celebrate the Eucharist.
My Promise to Jesus: Jesus, thank you for all the good meals I share with my family. This week, I will remember to say grace. Reflect: If a word or phrase from the Gospel captures your heart, sit quietly for several minutes, repeating it to yourself and asking God to show you how it applies to your life. What could you do to take more away from the Mass
Pray in such a way that your communication with God will involve more listening to the voice of God than of talking to God. Amen.
Family Discussion: Families, as the domestic church, have the opportunity to make the family meal a time of prayerful encounter with one another and with Jesus. At a family meal we share our experiences of the day and connect them with the experiences of others in the family. We can also enjoy the meal as an opportunity to reflect upon our family life in light of Scripture. At their best our family meals can connect us to Jesus too.
Choose a family meal this week to share one another’s experiences of the week in a special way. Perhaps invite family members to plan and prepare the meal together. Begin the meal by reading today’s Gospel, Luke 24:13-35. As you eat, talk together about how the disciples discussed their experiences in Jerusalem and how they came to understand them differently when Jesus interpreted those events in the light of Scripture. Then invite each family member to share the things that are going on in his or her life. Consider what Jesus might say to each person if he were sitting at your dinner table. Conclude with a special prayer after your dinner. Pray a prayer of blessing for each family member, asking that Jesus continue to be present in each person’s life, helping each one to be a better follower of Jesus. Conclude with a Sign of Peace..........
8 Faith Reasons to Enjoy Regular Family Meals:
They foster gratitude.
They help you share your family’s values.
They become a spiritual anchor echoing the faithfulness of God.
They nurture your spiritual self.
They are an opportunity to practice virtues such as kindness, respect, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding, and joy.
They give you the chance to create lasting memories with your children.
They show who you are and where you belong.
They prepare you for fuller participation in the Mass.