From the desk of Ms. Kathleen Cook, Director of Religious Education
Theme: John 9:1-41 Jesus heals the man born blind and reveals himself to him as the Son of Man.
Summary: Time and again the gospel of John will use the images of light and darkness, and blindness and sight to envelope the
wisdom of God that is in the person of Jesus Christ. In the story of the Man born Blind, the individual evolves from one stage of faith to another, from darkness and ignorance to wisdom and light. Watch the evolution of the names the man gives to Jesus...the man called Jesus, prophet, man from God, Lord.
Scripture:“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:5
One day Jesus was walking with his disciples when they passed by a blind man. When they saw him, the disciples asked Jesus who was to blame for the man's blindness. Was it because of his sin or was it because of his parent's sins? Jesus answered them and told them that no one was to blame, he was blind so that God's works could be shown in him. Then Jesus healed the man and the people praised and glorified God for his goodness.
Dear Lord, the difficulties in our life seem small when compared to what others may be facing. Help us not to grumble and complain, but to praise and glorify you in every situation. Amen.
Key Words in Today’s Readings: First Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7,10-13a
Samuel, a prophet and judge in Israel, was born over 1,000 years before Jesus. The Lord chose Samuel to anoint Saul, the first king of Israel. Samuel also anointed David, who was king after Saul. The Bible contains two books in his name: 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel.
anoint means to bless with oil. In the Bible it can also mean to give someone a mission, an important job. Christians are anointed at baptism and confirmation, we anoint people when they are sick, and priests and bishops are anointed at their ordination: our mission is to love people as God loves them.
Second Reading: Ephesians 5: 8-14
Ephesians were a group of Christians in the city of Ephesus. A letter Saint Paul wrote to them is now part of the Bible. Ephesus is located in modern-day Turkey.
Gospel: John 9:1-41
In the time of Jesus, if someone was born
blind, people assumed this was because God was punishing the parents for something they had done wrong. Jesus says this is not true and then heals the man born blind to show that Jesus has power over evil.
Pharisees were Jewish leaders who tried to follow the letter of the law, but sometimes forgot to live by love. Jesus pointed out this lack of love.
Sabbath is the day of the week when human beings rest as God did on the seventh day of creation. It is a chance for us to spend time praising God and enjoying creation. One of the Ten Commandments instructs us to keep the Sabbath holy.
Reflect: If a word or phrase from the Gospel captures your heart, sit quietly for several minutes, repeating it to yourself and asking God to show you how it applies to your life. Have you ever stubbornly refused to follow advice, even though down deep you knew you needed to?
Suggested book that compliments today’s Gospel: The Children Wiser Than the Elders Written by Leo Tolstoy
ISBN: ASIN: B009ED2570
Pray that the gift of wisdom that God gives to you will grow stronger with each passing day and that you will always seek God’s will and wisdom in your life. Amen
Family Discussion: When infants are baptized, parents, with the help of the godparents, assume responsibility for raising the child as a follower of Jesus. The process of maturation in the faith is much like the example found in the story of the man born blind. The man is cured of his blindness, a symbol of his sin. Each time he meets someone after the healing, the man comes to a deeper awareness of who Jesus is. In a similar way, we who are baptized continue to mature in faith as our relationship with and knowledge about Jesus grows.
Invite each member of your family to draw a timeline of his or her life. On the timelines, ask family members to identify significant moments in their lives, especially their life of faith. Invite each person to reflect upon who Jesus was to him or her at each significant moment. How has each person’s relationship with Jesus changed or matured? Then read together today’s Gospel, John 9:1-41. Note how the relationship between Jesus and the man born blind changes and grows throughout the Gospel. Pray together that your relationship with Jesus will continue to grow and develop, becoming ever deeper. Conclude by praying together the Lord’s Prayer.......